Welcome Home
There Will Be A Way
Three Questions
The Wrench
A Painful Memory
A Credible Excuse
Survival During War
A Friend
We Are Still Here
Better Than Nothing
The Wolf And The Diamond
New Beginning
The Poncho And The Pocket Watch
Wagon A
The Slaughterhouse
Dream Confessions
Too Fast For Love
Death Dinner
Path Of Misery
The Hangmen And The Victims
Pit Of Death
Fragile Crystals
The Barn
Don't Wanna Know
There Will Be A Way
You lay in the bed of your apartment staring at the fan blades on the ceiling, which turned quickly and inexorably. Fresh air, a little relief... You knew in your heart that on the way back you would collide with a tragedy, a loss, but you couldn't imagine that. How could one group of survivors declare war on another? You couldn't accept it. You had lost a good friend again. Was your fate perhaps to stay alone? Whenever you found affection and understanding in a person, that person had to lose his life. But it's your fault, you can't protect them... Anger penetrated you and made you jump up.

"Damn shit!", you screamed and hit the wall with your fist. The pain was slowly pervading you. You checked the joints of your right hand and noticed the wounds you had caused. It looked like they were crying red tears.

"What an idiot I am!"

You were thirsting for revenge, risking blindness with rage, but you had to calm down and regain control. The citizens gathered in the square and cheered loudly to the Governor. As soon as you bandaged your hand, you joined the excited crowd. That evening, however, they had succumbed to fear. They applauded, but you could see fear in their faces. The Woodbury attack had caused chaos. The idea of ​​an untouchable place was destroyed. All houses were lined with lanterns full of bright colors, on the square there were garlands and stalls with various food and drinks. The Governor arrived shortly after, elegant and impeccable.

"Citizens of Woodbury, as you know, we are celebrating the return of Y/N tonight."

Milton appeared at your side. His gaze shifted to the Governor, his arms crossed. Then he spoke to you without taking his eyes off him.

"Have you already done the family tour?"

"Yes... I had to tell them that their loved ones have died as heroes."

Meanwhile, the Governor's voice came back to you.

"There were difficult times, I know, and I regret it... I worked, in fact we all worked together to further this miracle, and we certainly will not be able to turn a group of psychopaths into friends, we will fight!"

Meanwhile, Milton looked at the floor.

"It's a miracle, it's hope. Hope that will help us get what we want!", said the Governor, pointing at you and urging you to join him.

"Come on Y/N, the word is yours before we celebrate."

As you approached the Governor among the many people, you desperately tried to organize good sentences. When they arrived in front of the citizens, they shouted your name and spurred you on. Milton, on the other hand, looked at you with amusement. The Governor asked for quiet moments later and everything went quiet. No noise, only eyes full of hope.

"Hello Woodbury, I just know how grateful I am to have found this community. For so long, my life out there was hell, not just because of the lack of food or because of the undead, but also because the loss of my loved ones. I know this is a celebration, but I also want to mention those who didn't make it, I wish their death wasn't in vain, they fought for a safe place and they died for us... We all... We won't give up!"

It had gone well, you had managed to gain their confidence and their strength. The Governor was satisfied and spread his arms.

"We start the party!"

As everyone scattered and the children ran around with dolls or balloons, some men came to thank you. It was necessary to give courage and you succeeded.

"Well, I have to admit that you were not bad!", Milton said and you put a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you, but to be honest much of it was improvised."

Surprised by the physical contact, he looked at your hand: "Hey, what did you do?"


The lightness hovered around and the bad thoughts were gone. You sat down on a wooden bench. The party was over, some tired children were leaning against their parents. The lanterns went out and many began to settle in their respective houses. Martinez was replaced for the night watch and waved to you.

"Hey, Martinez! Wait!", you called and walked quickly to him. Worried, he answered and approached you: "What's going on?"

"Where is Merle? I haven't seen him yet..."

You prayed that he was fine. Maybe he was having trouble finding new supplies or was probably drunk and still in bed. Martinez responded differently than expected. He shook his head and grunted.

"Didn't the Governor tell you? That asshole betrayed us, he betrayed us all for his brother."

At that moment you should have felt bitter and disappointed, but in truth you were happy. Happy to know that his brother was alive. You did not remember his name, but you knew how much it meant for him.

"Then at least he's alive... Who knows what he felt as-...", you started, but Martinez shoved you away.

"He cheated on us, we damn saved him back then!"

You stared at him, but understood his anger.

"I understand very well... But I'm still relieved and happy for him."

But Martinez spat on the ground, frowning.

"You don't understand all this shit."

You remained silent and confined yourself to watching him turn and leave. What an asshole. Merle deserved it, after all he had gone through. Suddenly the Governor and Milton whispered in the distance. But as they turned in your direction, you looked away. You heard the sound of their footsteps getting louder and louder. It was, of course, the Governor who immediately opened his mouth.

"We have to talk, it's important."

Milton sat at the Governor's table in his apartment, preparing to drink some tea while the Governor poured whiskey. Damn alcohol... You hadn't felt like drinking for a whole century. You smelled this dry, pungent smell. The two men noticed your appreciation. You were an open book for them. There was silence for a few minutes until the Governor started talking again.

"We need to get organized and talk about protecting ourself from a second attack."

Milton nodded and the Woodbury leader continued: "I want them dead, everyone, if they crossed that gate now, the only one I would not kill right now would be Michonne, she has to suffer."

You asked him if he had an idea or any plan. He pulled up his sleeves and rolled them to his elbow as if struck by hot flashes.

"No, but I know we can not be caught unprepared, we have to attack first!"

Milton swallowed and adjusted his glasses before answering: "But we can't attack first, we should try to argue... They were successful because Michonne had been here, she knows the place perfectly."

"We improvise... We drive there and break up the fences with a van, some Walkers in the car and we'll position snipers."

"Wait, we're not in a hurry, we could find another solution..."

"And that seems feasible? As if from a mile you couldn't see that they are my stooges!"

While the two were arguing, you ran my index finger across the smooth surface of the now empty glass. Milton was right. You had to have someone inside, someone who could win their trust.

"There will be a way..."

The Governor threw the bottle on the wall next to Milton, who started to sweat in fear. It broke into thousands of pieces that flew in different directions. He leaned on the table and leaned forward to approach his friend's face and scream with clenched teeth.

"Could you avoid throwing such a damn shit out of your mouth? Damn!"

Suddenly his muscles relaxed. He couldn't control his anger and his nerves, and ran his hands through his hair and sat down to sound neutral again.

"I must apologize, it's not your fault Milton... I'm just annoyed about useless chatter."

Milton remained motionless, but you had something because of his suggestion.

"Milton is not so wrong.", you interjected. The Governor looked at you, raised his eyebrow and opened his lips slightly. This icy eye promised pure violence...

"I could be the spy, think about it, they didn't see me on the night of the attack, same with Michonne."

He stretched his shoulders and bent his head to the right and left.

"You want to go?"

"I do it for all of us here, and I could often come back to provide as much information as possible."

"Suppose Rick accepts you, what will you do? They will not trust you right away."

"I know. I'll have to work hard, but I can do it."

Milton suddenly cleared his throat and broke in, sounding anxious: "I don't want to be meticulous, but there's Merle..."

The Governor laughed... It was a monstrous and wicked laugh...

"Didn't I tell you that I killed him?"
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книга «Opposites Attracts (Daryl Dixon x Reader)».