Scallion - The Snow Covered planet
The Light Eaters
The Mind-Melders
The Mind-Melders
Kara had always been fascinated by the workings of the human mind. As a child, she would spend hours meditating and exploring the depths of her own consciousness, trying to understand the mysteries of the brain. She dreamed of being able to communicate with others using only the power of thought, to share ideas and emotions in a way that words could never express.

When the shift came, Kara's dreams became a reality. The technological revolution that swept through Scallion had unlocked new ways of connecting minds, allowing people to merge their thoughts and emotions with unprecedented ease. For Kara, this was a revelation - an opportunity to explore the innermost workings of the human psyche in ways that were once thought impossible.

At first, Kara approached the new technology with caution. She had heard stories of people losing their sense of self, of melds that went awry and left participants confused and disoriented. But as she watched others around her dive headfirst into the world of mind-melding, she felt a growing sense of curiosity and excitement. What could she learn from this new way of connecting with others? What secrets lay hidden within the deepest recesses of the human mind?

Kara found a willing partner in her best friend, Tarek. Together, they began to explore the possibilities of telepathic communication, experimenting with different techniques and approaches to achieve a perfect meld. At first, it was exhilarating - the rush of being able to connect with another person on such a deep level was like nothing Kara had ever experienced before. She could feel Tarek's thoughts and emotions as if they were her own, and together they explored the boundaries of what was possible.

But then, things started to go wrong. The more Kara and Tarek melded their minds, the more they began to lose their individual identities. They would finish each other's sentences, and sometimes even forget who was who. And worst of all, they began to share each other's emotions - the good and the bad.

It wasn't long before Kara realized that she and Tarek were in over their heads. They had unlocked a power that they weren't equipped to handle, and it was starting to take its toll. Kara began to have nightmares that were not her own, and Tarek's moods would swing wildly from one moment to the next.

Desperate to regain their sense of self, Kara and Tarek sought out the help of a mind melding guru - a person who had been studying the phenomenon for years. Under the guru's guidance, they began to learn how to control their melds and keep their individual identities intact.

It was a long and difficult process, but in the end, it was worth it. Kara and Tarek emerged from their training stronger than ever, with a newfound respect for the power of the mind. They knew that they would never be the same again, but they were grateful for the experience - and for each other.
© Isabella Bella,
книга «The Tales of Scallion».