Scallion - The Snow Covered planet
The Light Eaters
The Mind-Melders
Scallion - The Snow Covered planet
description of Setting of this Anthology: SCALLION.

Scallion was a planet like no other. Situated in a remote corner of the galaxy, it was a world of stark contrasts, where the sun never rose and the snow never melted. It was a place where the rules of nature were twisted and turned, and anything was possible. On Scallion, there were no rules, no boundaries, and no limits.

The people of Scallion were as diverse as the landscape they lived in. From the nomads of the tundra to the city-dwellers of the metropolis, each had their own way of life and their own way of seeing the world. But despite their differences, they all shared a common bond - a love of technology.

For centuries, the people of Scallion had been at the forefront of technological innovation. They had built machines that could travel faster than the speed of light, and they had harnessed the power of the stars to fuel their cities. They had created artificial intelligences that could think and feel like humans, and they had even unlocked the secrets of time itself.

But then, something changed. A new technological revolution swept across Scallion, unlike anything the planet had ever seen before. It was called "the shift," and it changed everything.

No one knew exactly where the shift came from, or what it was. Some said it was a virus, others said it was a quantum anomaly. But whatever it was, it changed the very fabric of reality on Scallion. Suddenly, the laws of physics were no longer set in stone. Time and space became fluid and malleable, and the lines between the real and the virtual began to blur.

As the people of Scallion adapted to the shift, they began to experience strange and wondrous things. They saw things that should not have been possible, and they traveled to places that had never existed before. They created new technologies and forged new connections, and they discovered the true potential of their own minds.

But amidst the wonders of the shift, there were also dangers. Some people lost their minds, unable to handle the sheer power of the new technology. Others fell victim to strange creatures and phenomena that had never been seen before. And still others found themselves lost in a world that no longer made sense.

As the shift continued to transform Scallion, the people of the planet were forced to confront their own limitations and their own fears. They learned that with great power came great responsibility, and that in a world without rules, anything was possible - for better or for worse. And they knew that they would never be the same again.
© Isabella Bella,
книга «The Tales of Scallion».