Desired Thoughts
You are the reason
Midnight Thoughts
I'm so sorry
Truth or Dare
Are you sure we are alone?
Take my hands across your body
She's your own flesh and blood
I wanted to see you
Midnight Thoughts
It turned seven back at Rosie's place. She was sitting at her desk that her father once made, listening to her favourite playlist writing down the  comics for Willow. "Hmm, this is harder than I thought it would be, but I like a challenge hahaha." She said to herself. "Hmm, this one seems cool to put down, this too. Oh I cannot forget this. Dang this list is going to be long."

Rosie was just finishing up on writing the list for Willow as she started to swing on her chair and started to think more about Willow. Everything that she said today, "How can she keep all that to herself, and act as if everything is okay?" Every word that she told her replayed in her head. All the tears running down her face, she could remember it all. She remembered how desroyed she was. She remember how much it hurt her seeing her like that. "How?"

"How can she keep all that inside and not tell anyone? No one would've even suspected all this. I certainly didn't. She puts on a good show, I can say that. But why?" She wondered. "Once her first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. I have only seen them one's, and there is probably a lot more from where they came from. How can a pretty girl like her feel like that?"

Rosie got up to look at the moon. Her grandmother once told her that if she looked to the moon and spoke to it, the other person would receive the message. "Why Willow? Why do you feel this way? Why qont you tell anyone? We can help you" Willow was on the other end. She always looks upon the moon, and has her little convosations with it as she doesn't talk to anyone else really. She always called herself silly after she finished her conversation. Today's convosation with the moon was different than usual. She had told the moon small bit about Rosie, but this one was just a little different.

"I spoke to her, I actually did. It wasn't the way I imagined first talking to her but it was perfect. She told me to tell her what was going on inside my head. She spent the rest of the day with me. She walked me home. She wants to spend more time with me, that how I knew she didn't judge me. She wouldn't of bothered with me if she did. She could've spent the day with her friends, she could've been in her favourite lesson, but she rather make sure I was okay. Maybe my future with Rosie could be something more than  just strangers now. Maybe this is a sign that things can change. For the better or for the worse. Talk to you tomorrow, haha you silly idiot. Why on earth are you talking to the moon again. It cannot hear you."

Back in Rosie's room, she realised that she called Willow pretty and shook her head. "I mean she is more than just a pretty face. She's got a lot inside of her, a damaged soul. An untold story." She shook her head again, and went to lay down on her bed. She just laid there for a while staring up at the ceiling. She keeps on thinking of her face, distraught and the waterfall of tears falling. Then there's the truth under her skin. Rosie has never seen anything like it. She hasn't seen someone so down at heart, and it physically hurts her seeing Willow like that.

"Willow is a beautiful person, with an amazing mind and personality and she doesn't see that. Why does she feel like that? What has hurt her so much, and why has she locked it away inside of her? Why doesn't she tell anyone?" Rosie paused for a minute, "What's with all the questions? You know you ain't gonna get the answers by yourself. I need her to tell me those, but how? I don't want to force those out of her."

Rosie closes her eyes, her mind a mess. Confused about the whole situation. Her mind is probably like Willows she thought. A mess, all over the shop. Not knowing the answers to things. Things must feel terrible inside her head, it just hurts Rosie trying to think of a simple answer.

Suddenly, an alarm clock rings and Rosie sits up quickly. It takes her a moment to figure out where she is. She was somewhere totally different in her dream, but she wasn't alone in her dream... she was with Willow. She replayed the whole dream in her head, trying to figure out what had happened. "Oh god." She stopped, " OH god. No, no, no, did that really happen? It can't of, it was a dream. DUHH. But it felt so real. I, I- I felt for her. In the dream. Me and Willow, were a-..." She stopped herself and dropped low to a whisper..." a thing." Rosie had never felt like this towards another person, never mind a girl. "Eh, it probably didn't mean anything. Dreams can be weird and mysterious."

"-And holds a load of meanings to them" Rosie's mother shouted from outside her room.

"Were you eardropping my conversation with myself mom?"

"Emm, nooo!"

"I hate you haha, I'm just kidding mom. I don't know where I'd be without you."

"Did I just hear my daughter tell me she loves me? My long life goal is complete haha" They both chuckled.

"I better get ready for school. I need catch Willow before she walks alone again. I will come back to this convosation with myself later."

Is Rosie starting to fall for Willow?

© E ,
книга «Distant Souls».