New to the family
The deal
midnight for pup number 2 and for number 3 moonlight"charily suggested later that night spotted claw, midnight and moonlight and there parents were asleep and an evil mad wolf was planning to attack.his name was madwolftail he snuck in the kids bedroom and took moonlight.he hooked her up into a saw machine and waited until the rest of them came.
                   in the morning

the parents woke up and realized moonlight was gone charily ran out to find her when he got there she was laying down on a piece of wood and was strapped there "ahhh mister.claw just in time here if don't want your daughter to die then let make a deal"said madwolftail.............
_________________________________whats going to happen next 😺🤘👍👍 comment down below.
© Tigerclawandtigertail ,
книга «Wings 2 a new generation».
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Soft kiri
I think he's going to ask for there wings cause he's going to sell them and make a fortune and they say yes cause they don't want there daughter to die and the tiger cone back and helps them .
2018-07-06 17:47:26