Escape Party
Found You
The Snowing Castle
Friends or Foe
Awake Power
The Truth
No Escape
End Of Terror
End Of Terror

As the lab crumbles away the twin watch in horror not known if their sister is alive. After it was safe to try find her under the rubble. Even know Meyer and him man told them it was useless they keep trying.

For seen like for hours they find bodies but it was mother and father they were of course. They buried the bodies they were just about to leave when Cedric tipped in the snow. He started digging then everybody else join when they saw a leg. It was Zoey Meyer check her pulse she was alive he told the other. They cheek and clap then carry her home.

After the lab inspection the children were know to the world, well all  government officials at least. The manager diced to fake their death. They now live with the managa in her hug country house, with her fram animal's and husband. The boys were going to school where no one was a government officials son or daughter.

As for their sister Zoey she had been in a coma for half a year now. Sleep in a room in the house with the house dog and cat watch over her. She did eat but she just wouldn't open her eyes.

The boys came up to her room every night to listen to a story by the manager husband. Hoping she wake up one day,  that day was going to be a year and a half. On the first day of summer holidays Zoey wake up.

No one was around her except the cat who meow at her. She got out of bed put on a dress brush her hair putting in ponytails. Walked down to the farm where there was a swing where her brother seat.

She walked over and without them noticed seated down with them. "Brother I don't know when sister wake but until we look out for each other right " said Cedric . "Yeah you can count on it" said Frisco then as he turned his head to look at him he saw Zoey. "ZOEY "said Frisco then they both hug her which fell them to the floor.

They all laughed "am sorry about worry you "said Zoey. "It's ok you come back in the end " said Cedric they Zoey about their life here so far. "Really school am happy your going are you getting friends " ask Zoey."Yeah a few " said Frisco. "Well looked like someone is finally awake "said managa husband. "Oh right Zoey this Kevin his the managa husband we live here at there house " said Cedric.

"Yep so how are you feeling Zoey hungry?" Said Kevin. She nodded we walked inside for lunch. Week past then the manager came home, to check on everyone and to tell them she got a desk job. Which means she home more often "which you should know you call me Eunomia or mum I don't may" said Eunomia.

Ten years later are sister found love in her childhood friend. They got married and had two kids and became a writer. As for her husband he was someone you could to if you need help.

As for Eunomia and Kevin they had kids of their own. Then we Meyer settled down with his wife and daughter and traveled a lot, but they come to see us once a month.

As for us we own a motorcycle business together. We never used power again and we petty sure are kids were get it. We meet up with are sister and  her family once a week. We did wonder why are father did this but sadly that's one question we never be answer. We all can do if we stick together.

                            The end
I hope you like my first try at horror I don't know what am good at yet. So am try out new story to see which one am good at.
© Silverstone cat,
книга «Secret Sliding».