A ocean world
The City In The Sky
The Sea Forest
The Tales
Friends or Foe
Fall In Love
Drake Sisters
My Parents
Close Call
Meet The King And Queen
The Caged Princesses
Mum, Dad
The King Of The Ocean
Happy Every After
The Sea Forest
"Morning so how was your first night under the sea"said Rory"ok even though the sea sounds". "Well i want to show you the deers and the sea Forest".Hari nodded he wanted to see everything "ok let's go" hold it kids where think your going","mum i to show him the deer and Forest please". Omaira looked at them they looked like sea puppies "fine but come back when it gets dark".

We swim to the serves at first hari saw the sky then a head of a animal come out of nowhere. The head of a giant deer went under the ocean the head come out with come seaweed in it's mouth. Hari jar drop of how big it was "cool right that's what happened when you drink the seawater, either animal's change completely or they just got big".

Rory grabbed hari hand and swim back down to a crowded of coral turtles they were as big as a house. "Come on we getting a ride" Rory put hari in front of him on the back of the turtle. The turtle swim fast we were at are destination "welcome to seaforest".

The Forest was like the forest in history book but better the tree were tall as Mountain. And the animals on the tree were just as mysterious their were brides too one flew on to Hari head.

It black with glowing blue wings and chest we swim slowly through. Rory tell hari about the animals that live here like the butterflyfrogs and the sticking caterpillar. We swim until we were at the centre of the forest, was a giant octopus it looked like a big baby with eight arms.

Rory pored him awake hari try to stop him but it wake up but he looked happy to see us. "Come on we getting a ride back with this guy because the turtles are here to mate". So we got to the octopus who gave us a slow but fast ride home.
© Silverstone cat,
книга «Sea salt».