Am A?
A Baby
A New Start
New Comers
The Take Over
A Place To Stay
A Sorcerer Tale
Monster For Hire
The Arrangement
The Master Of Sand
The Ruins Tower
The Wish
The Land Of Monsters
The Take Over
Kaida is now four she loves adventures and screaed travel with a mask I made her. So she can look like us in are dragon form. When it comes going out to the human town she has just one problem. And is wearing dresses she has three, and she did was when we were just about to leave.

She does a gross habit she does when she doesn't get her way. That is pee herself I told Seraphina to give up and let her wear the clothes I made her. I made her a red shirt from red fabric and a red shoulder belly shirt. And blue and black leather shorts I or so made her a staff with a yellow stone inside. It help increase her elements magic she has wind and light magic. 

She can do barrier magic and small wounds heal magic. She was very quick to learn spells and how to master it. Today we were off to town we flew half way then we walked so we could continue living in peace."I wish she will grow out of this soon" said seraphina.

"She only four let her be a monkey for a little"I told her. A carriage that was going pass us then it stopped. We waited to see who will be coming out that was a boy, a dog and a young man come out. "Hello are you headed to town"said the boy I nodded the boy looked like a year older then my daughter. "Am afraid that their something going on we decided to go, and ininvestigate before the soldiers arrived"said the man. We got in the carriage to ear the rest of the story about the town. 

"About four days ago the general of the town, who protected the mayor and town. Was killed and the mayor was put in prison by the leader. Of the mercurys of course I don't know why the sudden change. but I guess we soon find out" after ear what was going on. I was curious about why he bring a kid with him, "his good at hiding I only found out. His was the carriage ten minutes before we meet you". When we got to the gate to the town we were stopped by a queue of carriages.

We got to a barrier block us out and the towns people in. "Not good I am not worried about the soldiers, but the town people will be killed". "What elements is that barrier" "Darkness why","will light magic will be able to get through". "Well yes but wait""Kaida put a barrier, around here make sure that you only the town people in". "Right""Kaida"Gazir your not doing what I think your doing". But before she could stopped me I walk frowned, and crash my tail against the entrance.

 The barrier crack seraphina walk through "together"we nodded and ran at it and attack with are tails. The barrier broken the men who were garnded the front ran out of the way. My sliding and seraphina sister came up to us in their forms, I told them tell the people to ran to the outside of the town where a barrier. They flew off to the houses has we started swinging are tails, at the men who kept from the manor. 

Meanwhile the leader of the man inside the manor. "So their good looked I wouldn't have to keep this from for long after all". He left the manor to greet them who were waiting for in front of the manor. All the town people were safely in the out of the town in the barrier.

"Thank you for coming so have to go and find you","you did this to find us" I ask the leader. "Why yes why else after all thier nothing else here", "But how did you find out about us"ask seraphina. "Well he already has three dragons, and one of them has the ability to sense other dragons". So that how "has for why well my lord want all the dragons, has part of her pets or family what every you want to call it"."Well you can tell him that we not l available","I don't think so you see I have to do by force or talk to you". 

Then with out warning the man change into a giant bear and attack them. I push seraphina out the way as I sunk my teeth into it's shoulder. The bear roar put his arm around my dragon from body but I was too big. So the arms of the bear try to flip me over by grabbing my neck. But I kept my teeth on his neck he roar again blood was everywhere now. Seraphina help by attack the middle of stomach use her claws. I let go of the neck then we nodded and, we attack with are flames magic the bear was destroyed. 

© Silverstone cat,
книга «Am A Dragon?».