Martin was walking home with a bag, which was filled with wet logs that should be hard to burn. The cold wind was licking his face. The crowds were looking for trees to keep safe from the wind. Martin felt frostiness in his marrows even though he wore the thickest clothes he had. His nose was like a tomato. He was dreaming of flying home while walking with difficulty. The wind was like saying "Don't go home" with its force. He tried to walk faster. When he reached his home, he felt like he was the happiest person until he noticed that pocket lighter is missed. After seconds, he lived one more feeling change. He remembered he put the lighter in his pocket, and he felt good. He ignited a paper and with the labor of 1 hour, he lit the inferno. It was hard to lit a wet log, but the consequence was enough to satisfy him. He was enjoying the fire untill he heard a noise near. He stood up and went to check the window in the kitchen. He relaxed when he saw a hurt bird. He wanted to help the bird. He opened the window at the risk of sudden and rough wind will come in. While he was trying to take the bird, a thick and long stick hit his forehead. He collapsed like a old buliding with the damage of wooden stick, and the bird started to flap to run away with fear. The man with stick used the opportunity well -maybe a hurt bird was his plan to make the window opened- and entered from window as fast as possible. He stole something and exit the house where he entered. Martin opened his eyes 30 minutes. He got up with astonishment and anger, holding his head. Inside was not different from outside about temperature because the window was open during Martin's faint. He closed the window and went to check the inferno. It was put out.

-Was my labor for nothing? damn it! grumbled he. The labor that was for nothing made him angry and he didn't want to lit it again. He decided to find some other house where there is fume. He saw a fume but it looked far.

-It is better to go there instead of trying to burn the damn inferno, he told himself.

He started to go there. It took 30 minutes to go. He knocked on door with the timidity of coming for the first time. The sound of footsteps of the man walking slowly could be heard. A man with long white beard opened the door and welcomed him with hospitability unless letting Martin speak. The old man was looking at Martin with astonishment and Martin understood why he was looking at him like that after words came out of the old man's mouth slowly.

-You look like my son. What is your name? asked the old man.
-My name is Martin, sir.
-Well my son is Max. He will come in minutes.
As he said, the door is opened minutes later. When Max entered the living room, Martin stood up suddenly like he sit on a pin. The name came out hardly from Martin's mouth with the astonishment of seeing his twin after 20 years.

© MuSeqHar ,