The grey sky
The best interview in life.
The new beginning of his life
Suppressed feelings
The declaration of love
The hope
Coming closer
The real dinner date
Love can't be hidden
The love grows day by day
The engagement party
Love can't be hidden
Their hearts were racing when they met that day. She dressed  herself in a best gown she had leaving her hair loose with pink blush making cheeks more pinkier than before her eyes her beautiful mascara eyes where were twinkling with love her full and red was outed just like to kissed. He stared at her for long time not able to take his eyes off her. She was mesmarising that day. He was looking handsome with white buttoned up shirt black coat black trousers. She blushed as he linked his arms with her leading her to his car opening his front door she was impressed how gentlemen he was at treating women. She smiled " thanks for picking me up" he looked at her " don't thank now I will give you many surprises today just for you" Angela surprised that she could mean so to someone. She felt sorry as how she treated him in the past. He looked at absorbed in thoughts " what happened Angela what are you thinking? " Angela snapped out of her thoughts " nothing  actually I am sorry how I treated you in the past" yogesh shrugged " I did not mind why are still in those thoughts forget it" she shyly smiled" thanks for forgiving me ". They went to the restaurant which was too posh for her choice. Suddenly some musician started playing soft music but yogesh was nowhere to be found she searched for him but he was not there. Suddenly she felt someone kneeling in front of her, she looked down saw yogesh with bouquet of flowers and  diamond necklace on the other hand kneeling down she was taken aback  she gaped open mouthed as yogesh proposed " I love u so much  from core of my I become yours when first laid my eyes on you will please honour me being my girlfriend" she was in tears " yes I love u too I am nerd treating you so bad in the past. Much from now on I will always be beside you holding your hands" yogesh was so happy he only answered " thank you" he held her by the waist and their lips met for long passionate kiss leaving both of them breathless. They held each other for long staring at eac other she giggled " the necklace is so beautiful thanks you straying at me now can we have dinner" yogesh replied hurriedly " off course sit here order whatever you want to" they ordered to their fills. While way back home yogesh held her hand tightly kissing it. She blushed at the mere touch her heart leapt. She felt her heat pooling at her with his mere touch. He was feeling the heat of her touch which was hardening his manhood. She was like drug for him to take. When they reached home they shred a passionate kiss at the car before going home. This was the perfect dinner date perfect love which every girl dream off.

© Menkar Sadhukhan,
книга «The flying bird».
The love grows day by day