Cursed king
School shopping
Chapter 1

  • was dropped to the ground, like a sack of potatoes.
My father figure walking away from me, with a confident stride. I couldn't call out, and I was to weak to follow after him.

A stray tear escaped from my eye, as I dug my small fingers into the dirt.

The memories of my mother watching me get beat, while my brothers joined in as if it was some new sport.

My blood boiled at the thought, my tears turned into rage.

The nonstop call of a raven, made me pull myself together. I forced my body off the ground, and followed the sound of the bird.

The sound of distress, fear, and anger all echoed through my body.

"Where are you?" I wondered whole scanning the surrounding area.

Just as I was about to give up, a loud screech was heard from my far left.

The closer I got, the more desperate the bird seem to get.

It was to dark to actually see, and it's black feathers didn't help the situation~ but the frantic cries guided me.

I spotted it, and cautiously approached the large Raven, softly whispering as I slowly approached it.

"Shhh, it'll be alright" I whispered while getting closer.

When I got close enough I slowly placed my hand on its feathers, feeling for any injury at all.

And as I felt around, I felt the wetness of his fur, and an object imbedded in  his wing, I pulled it out and threw it away while feeling over his body again.

A soft rumble came from the bird as it relaxed.

"I want to help" I whispered while rubbing his beak.

Just as I said that, the bird body started to glow,  I bright bluish light blinded me making me turn away, and when I finally opened them it was gone.

That same bright light emanated from my arm, with a symbol of a Raven.

© Jun ,
книга «Wicked».