Junior year;(
The Party
The Party
So I went to school every body was talking about a party that's to say so the party was at the popular girl house and she lives in a mansion so it's a pool party I have a pink bikini oh yeah forgot to tell that I was invited by the popular girl boyfriend so we went to the pool and I was nervous and guess what someone pull me under water I find out it was the popular girl boyfriend and I'm like why he's playing like that's weird and he started talking to me and I fought out the popular girl name it's Janelle
and he's name is James Jr so Janelle came out and saw us together so she got mad not normal mad like Bull mad so  she came at me and pull me under water so that's when I come in and pull her under water it got to this petty fight and someone pull me away  but by the way I won the fight only because it's slippery and I could trap her so I did that's how I won someone recorded the fight and posted on Instagram so that's how the party ended.
© Janylah Janec_slay12,
книга «The Popular Girl».
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The Party
Great fun
2018-06-23 19:28:35
The Party
2018-06-23 19:49:11