What happened?
Two days later.
   Elizabeth couldn't find hospital room, in which Ann lays that's why she asked a nurse.
   - Could you direct me to Ann Oliver's room?
   - Yes, let's go!
   Girl entered and saw her friend laying in bed. When Anna heared Eli's voice, she jumped off from the bed and began to hug her. It's been two months since they have seen each other. So they felt on the top of the world.
   -Ann, how's everything? It's for you!
   Elizabeth gave her total souvenirs and candies pack.
   -Thanks you much! I'm good cos I should be released from the hospital in a couple days.
   -So tell me about that boy from Poland!
   Eli turned a little red when she heard about the boy.
   -Ann, he said me something today I never thought he'd say...
© Ann Sognatore ,
книга «The song without notes».
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О! Английский) хорошо что у меня 5 в четверти по английскому) I love you) I love you and your book !! You're the best! Very good!
2018-04-30 08:56:21