the secret
the secret
 soaring high above the clouds let me be free. feeling the wind in my wings and smelling the fresh air, untouched by man so far. i could sense everything from the quietest chirp to a normal conversation between beings.  i could even sense the most dreadful things, which made me feel like some people dont deserve to be a living creature on this beautiful earth. just a few more minutes i thought to myself. i need to get back home or people would start to get suspicious. i cant have anyone knowing my secret. they would think differently of me or even afraid of i have to keep it a secret. nobody could ever know that i have dragons blood.     there is only one person who knows. that is my mentor, he teaches me how to control it.  he says if i larn to control it, i would be the most powerful being. since im the only half blood known to history, i can have more power than a normal dragon. me and mentor are still trying to figure out where or who gave me the dragons blood. both of my parents are human, my entire family has no way to be a dragon. it would be impossible. even though i should be impossible also. i finally turned around to head back home. i went faster than what  i was going, so i wouldnt miss dinner. in seconds i went the distance. it would have taken the fastest human alive hours to go. the scenery blended together in splatters of color. after a few more moments i approached my village. i flew into one the cornfields that was on the outskirts of the town so nobody would see me. i transformed back into my human form, found the sack of clothes i hid in her before i left. {turning into a dragon rips my clothes to shreds.} i hurried home before my mom called me to come home for dinner.                                                                                                                     

© deadrose290406,
книга «dragons blood».
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the secret
Strange but strong ʕ •ₒ• ʔ
2023-01-02 21:42:56