The Finding of Juju
Where Did He Go?
Sakoba's Tribe
I'm Sorry
Sakoba's Tribe
When Black Panther looked down he saw Sakoba's tribe on the Russian floors of  Yuknockmia. Youknokmia was the tribe Sakoba brought to Russia after her escape. She had about 200-250 people that decided to join. "We gotta get down there!" said Black. Black jumped down as fast he could, beating his 75 mile dash speed. He made sure to hold Juju in his arms as tight as possible.
         When Black got down, Sakoba was shocked. "You're, here?" said Sakoba. " I thought you hated me! You  never came to visit me, you never cared!" Sakoba had water powers (hydrokinesis), and could stop anyone in their tracks by overwhelming them with sadness. Black fell to the ground crying so hard he bled out his nose. "Stop, just listen to me! said Black. "I need you to heal Juju!"
         "Juju, you're here!" said Sakoba. "But you already died!"
"Whaaaat!?" yelled Black.

    Comment what you think of the chapter! **Part 2 of this chapter coming soon**
© BTS! ,
книга «The Lost Child».