Typical Mornings
New Style
After lessons,I headed home,I couldn't stop thinking about him,I barely know the guy. I remembered my mom wanted to introduce me to my siblings. I open the front door and I see three beautiful girls smiling at me,with their green eyes and curly brown hair,they were mixed race,they seemed like perfect figures.

"This is Tenesha,Sabrine and Louisa."
"Why are you wearing such rubbish clothing?" Tenesha steps out.
"Mind yourself,Tenesha." My mother mutters.
"Tenesha is 19 years old and she loves art."
She had green eyes and red lipstick,with puffy brown hair,she was quite the opposite of me,for sure.
"This is Sabrine,she's 12 and likes singing."
Her eyes were so green and her lips so perfect,she had long curly hair too.
"And finally,Louisa,your age dear,14 and she loves to read and write and she loves going to the library." Mom beams.

Louisa was much like me,she would pass of as my sister.
"Dibs on Medalin's room." Louisa calls out.
"Shes a nerd anyways,like you." Tenesha mutters and walks up to her room.
"Dont mind her,always like that." Louisa tuts.
In about one hour,I had introduced Louisa to my room and she added her books to my shelf,we got on pretty well. We walked to Tenesha's room and she's already happy with it,walls so pink and she was chatting to one of her colleagues.
I knock on the door.
"Could I have a pencil?"  I squeak.
"Dont be afraid of me,just take the pencil,I don't bite."
I take the pencil and head out,I walk to Sabrine's room and see everything,her music sheets for piano scattered all over the floor,I could tell she was messy,same traits. I go back to my room and find Louisa reading one of my books.

"Intresting,plant reproduction?"
"Yes." I smile.
"Come have dinner!" Mom shouts
"Coming Mom!"
"Coming Anne."
We rush downstairs.
"Dear please,call me Mom." She says to Louisa.
"Okay Mom."
We sit down and have our fries.
"Let's have family fun night!"
"I know,play a board game!"
"Boring,Mom I need to go and paint a picture for my university's logo." Tenesha says.
"No,you must stay here."

She rushes upstairs.
"I need to do my project."
"You know what?! We'll have it next week."
We all go back upstairs.

"I need to get to know you." I say.
"Okay,I am 14 as you know,I like reading and I have a boyfriend named Taimer."
"Nerd's are not meant to have boyfriends?!" I say
"Thats a stereotype,you can't always be books and homework,you have to be thriving and funny,especially if you have Tenesha as a sister,if you want to be chill with her,act calm around her and everyone."
"Well,thanks for telling me,I want to change my style,I want to be a chic,not a nerd. "
"Let's ask Tenesha for some make-up."
We go to her room.
"What now?"
"We need some make-up."
"Who for?" She asks.
"Myself." I nod nochantly.
"Cool,take anything."
"OMG it worked!"
"I know, you have to act normal around her."

I wear red lipstick,as red as blood and I curl my hair,I throw out some of my old clothes,luckily,Sabrine has some outfits that she wanted to give to me and she did when we had dinner,I'm wearing it to school tommorow,I'm a different person now.

"You look pretty." Louisa smiles.
"Thank you."
"I need to sleep,goodnight Louisa."
"Goodnight Medalin."

Maybe there is an advantage with having siblings. :)

© Praise Okpanefe,
книга «The Chosen One».