The No Man's Lawn
The No Man's Lawn
My grandfather loves his garden. It is pretty big and has a few trees.

However, he lives in a desert place with a-you guessed it-desert climate.

He is a man of routine, he sleeps until 9:30-except on Wednesdays because he works (for free) on a hotline for people thinking about suicide,then he goes in the garden and picks a few oranges to make orange juice. He then heads out and waters the law. He loves it. He takes care of it and it responds giving him the green grass he wants.

Before, we played football with my cousins: George and Axel most of the time and occasionally me and Clement, George’s older brother.

For Axel’s 10th birthday, he got a goal. At first, he was allowed to play football in the yard but the boys played so rough it burned the lawn leaving some brown patches in certain areas.

Once my grandfather noticed he forbade everyone to play on the lawn. It was an extremely strict rule.

However, one day as the old man went to take a nap the boys insisted on playing football. The adults, or should I say the traitors, allowed them.

The boys, careless, played as rough as one could imagine and when the poor man awoke he knew none of what had happened. They said a lawn was meant to be played on and why bother having a one to simply look at it!

And that happened every time he took his daily nap, the grass was getting worse and worse. He was mad! All he did was take good care of it but it didn't grow well! What was he doing wrong?!

So, who is in harm? The grandfather who should let his grandchildren play in his yard or the rest of the family who betrayed him and are lying to him?

Tell me your thoughts! <3
© cara ,
книга «The No Man's Lawn».
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