Splashing  numb through the icy chilled miniature river,  swooshing through the tall grasses like a wild serpent on a dire chase and perfectly ripping off the perfectly formed water droplets on the apex of the tall grasses, algorithmically calculating every single move, step, jump and turn, his eyes sharpened his view like that of the great eagle soaring in the skies whilst locked on a target below. He ran like a cheetah yet swift as a rabbit and just as he was about to seek cover, a god sped arrow came right through his knee cap flawlessly with so much ease like stitching a broken piece of cheese. His very existence seizing completely for a split second like a blinking light slow-motioned, his nerves choking of blood as his heart muscles spasmed with shock from the shot arrow, his lungs collaborating cordially with his vocal cords and an internal energy as enormous as that of a shrinked sun contributing philantropically , his mouth wide-opened like a huge snake swallowing a fastened elephant gave, well not a loud cry but a shriek, strong enough to break a drum made of crocodile skin, echoed effortlessly through the thatched roof of the various mud houses of the villagers like an x-ray through paper.
Half of the community natives awoke restlessly  to this sound and in a horrific movement,  Paul and his roommates woke simultaneously. A roomie murmered 'what's wrong?'  in a young fearful crooky voice and that's when Paul realised it was all but a dream. Bobby painstakingly waited for silence as the other boys in the room grumbled over the incidence 'how can you scream like that just because of a small somewhat dream, waking up every cell, neuron and muscle of me' , ' us!' corrected Bright who swelled up of anger like a pregnant Toad. Charles was their scientist and so he behaved as one, though he would be rated very poor before a real scientist. Scientists systematically and logically examine protocols, universal protocols for any scientist who worked. But Charles followed only his known rules, he was a very different one. So good to be wrong always. He would often bulge out his brobdingnagian gases of scientific words in place of  more  comprehensive and apprehensive words. His others colleagues were always awed when he turned out to speak, he spoke more often than everyone does. A convo between the mechanic and the scientist which finally resulted in a miniature combo like superstars jazz musicians performing on stage, 'I think virus has a weird eyeball cause he catches glimpse of the most silent and unnoticeable objects which even hides themselves'. 'You're mechanically disturbed Peter, you don't say he has weird eyeballs though your statement can't be gainsaid, it is more right to say he has a chromosomal abnormality or a genetic disorder or in others words, an advantageous flaw at nascence'. 'Spare me that Charles'.  And the noisy combo starts from there. 'Peter the mechanic', often said in a manner of applause by Virus when he actually is making fun at Peter with Bboy always elucidating the fun making by adding 'the mechanic resurrection in a crooked funny vox usually gets Peter choleric and he becomes more apoplectic when Yusha comes in with his capable-untimely  cell apoptotic and heart rupturing finish, '
© Isaac Deri,
книга «That Place!».
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Isaac Deri
Still in progress, chapter almost ending.
2018-07-14 22:43:41