1. An abyss in the fog.
2. Horror and fear.
2. Horror and fear.
  The attempt to curb the next horror that settled in my head, turned into a loud failure, occurring with the unbearable sound of my skull being torn into tiny pieces. A sharp crack in my brain, then a wave of shock pain rips through my insides, which over and over again, become more vulnerable to it. The sounds from time to time become louder and more frightening.
 The sound of the clock's hand becomes more and more hideous with the approach of another horror that is about to climb into an already self-crippled mind. He whispers. He screams. It's scary. Says shut up, shut up. He's talking for me. When he leaves me, there is a wild relief, I am literally freed from his tenacious paws, claws and fangs, which from the inside paw, scratch and gnaw off pieces of my brain. Finally, there is a period of silence. It doesn't calm me down, because something completely different is beginning to manifest itself in its absence. What is even more unpleasant is the expectation of the approach of this horror. Relive the same thing over and over again. I'm so tired. I'm scared and it hurts more every time.
    Probably the worst thing is that I can't do anything. I can't get rid of it. Forget this feeling that keeps me awake and at peace. It interferes with living like normal people. The only thing left for me is eternal suffering in my personal hell. And to know that I'm trapped here forever, that I'm a toy for my fears.
    And there is no end to it.
книга «In anticipation of a nightmare.».
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2. Horror and fear.
This is really good!
2020-09-09 22:13:02