Chapter 1
Chapter 1
What if time machine has already been created and with every second of every minute of every hour, time and moments are being altered.

Déjà vu, a feeling that you have already relived that moment is somehow connected with time or to be precise, with alteration of time space.

Time for once is not a linear chain, there's no past, present or future. Time is a web, every thing is connected to every other thing in this universe, same as " The Butterfly Effect".

To my knowledge Déjà vu is a practical proof that there is an alternation in the time space and even though the time has been altered, the moment are being changed, there are some data, some remnants of our pre-altered life that is left vaguely intact in our memory.
That's how we feel the familiarity of the moment as if we have already lived it but actually is happening for the first time.

We call it, Déjà vu.
© The Dead Poet. ,
книга «Déjà Vu - Optical delay or after effects of time travel?».