Lyn knocks a few times on the oak door and waits patiently for it to open. The second it does, she beams, "Good evening, Merlara." The red pot that was filled with hot butternut and apple harvest soup handed to Merlara cautiously. "Thank you, honey. That is so sweet of you," said Merlara, gratefulness stained on her face. "You're welcome," replied Lyn, "oh, and mama says hi to you."

"Say hi to her too. Wait a minute," Merlara walks briskly to the kitchen to put away the blistering soup. "Come in," shouted her. "It's fine, I need to meet Chandrelle a while later," Lyn insisted nicely. "Okay, honey. By the way, congratulations on your upcoming marriage. I'm wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness," Merlara said smoothly. Lyn was shocked. How come people get to know her wedding that is around the corner when she only informed today?

"Does everybody know?" Asked Lyn anxiously. "Undoubtedly yes, Alyndra. You are the heart of Heartvale, everybody should have known by now." Is that so? The subject matter shoved away immediately, her marriage is coming down the pike and everyone seems to be already known. It must be so much fun!

"Thank you for such aspire you had in my marriage, Merlara." Lyn hugs her aunt emotionally, "I shall go now. Chandrelle ought to be at the lake by now," said Lyn before runs off to meet her bestie. This girl, she can be a little discourteous at times.


"Chandrelle," whispered Lyn from behind her. Chandrelle turns around to face her best friend, "Oh, hello there, Pretty Pie," she swipes the sand that sticks on her palms carelessly. "Hello."

"I heard about your marriage that is coming," Chandrelle shot Lyn a small smile showing her happiness for Lyn's status that is going to change soon. "Yeah," nodded Lyn. Chandrelle hugs her slightly, "Congratulations." "You shall get married too Chandrelle," Lyn took Chandrelle's arm and pulled her to come and sit on a bench near the lake. Oh, how she cares about her friend touches a heart that is watching from afar.

"I am engaged, Alyn," Chandrelle raised her left arm displaying her soft hand, and oh, there is a beautiful silver ring on her ring finger. Then, a light hits Chandrelle on the chest, making her chokes for breath. "Oh my!" Shrieked Lyn. She quickly stands on her feet and starts to mumble a spell to break the magic.

"Wrap thee in cotton,"

A blue aurora starts to dawdle around Lyn's fingers and she continues,

"Bind thee with love,
Protection from pain
Surrounds like a glove,
Brightest of blessing,
Surrounding thee this night,
For thou art cared for,
Healing thoughts sent in flight."

Once Chandrelle is healed, she looks towards the place where she saw the magic came from. An unseely fairy lingering on the other side of the lake, behind the trees. Lyn gathers all the power she has and began to chant a death spell against the creature. Why the fairy is here? Nobody knows.

"Hades hear my plea,
There's a boon I wish you to grant me,
I summon you with dread,
For I have need of an army of the dead.
Hades I summon your power this night,
To pay back the slight,
Which was done.
So now I summon,
The Lord of Death,
So that my enemy may take their finial breath."

The orange blaze sent to the far end of the lake in a blink of an eye. The black fairy puffed into dust with a high pitched scream that breaks the eerie silent of the night. She had never been attacked by another creature for a long time. She wonders why it does right now?

Lyn looks back at her best friend helpless body. Now, how'd both of them going back home? "Can I help you?" A voice asked over her shoulder, makes her startled a little. She turns on her heel slowly to face the voice's owner.

How amazed she is when she saw the lake fairy prince, Aqua Blackflight. "Y-your highness," gasped Lyn while bowing deeply in a respectful manner. "Let me help you to send her home," offered him. She is scared to assert the prince's help and according to what she can see- Chandrelle unmoved body, she should grab the chance and go home before sunset.

"Thank you, your highness."

"No problem, Alyndra." Oh my, how does he knows her name? The wide eyes girl feels like a statue right now.

All of a sudden, a black blaze was shot towards Prince Aqua. She recognized the aurora as a slow, painful death magic which can only be chanted by dark elves. She took a few cautious steps back. No dark elves were allowed to step on this land. "W-who's there!" Yelled Lyn.

But then, she remembered the prince condition. Once again, she reads the spell out loud and also, once again, another impotent body who supposed to give her hands lays on the ground.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," a husky voice greeted, but to her ears, it sounds like a creepy one since her body is now more alert to any magic wave.
© Tia ,
книга «Crowned».
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2019-01-05 12:08:30