The Letter
The Letter
"You are late as always Alaska"
Her trainer looked at her amused as she nonchalantly brushed off his comment.
"Seems like your 'good student' is even more late than I am"
Sir Gilbert chuckled,
"I guess it is a common behavior among the powerful ones. You think you became so high that you forget the basic manners"
Before Alaska could respond to, a voice interrupted behind her,
"Well, I would have been early if you didn't ask me to deliver the package to the wrong person sir,"

"Uh oh, Did I give you the wrong person? My bad but still that ain't no excuse."
Alaska turned around to see the person to whom the voice belonged.

He stood in front of her, towering her with his height. His ocean blue eyes looked like a lake of frozen mysterious. His fingers ran through his messy dark hair that fell right above his eyes. His stare was deep and intense and she felt herself hypnotized.

"Done checking me out?"
She blushed and quickly averted her eyes.

"I'm Alaska and you must be Zack"
"Yeah, that's me. Alright let's get to work."
He spoke nonchalantly not even acknowledging her presence.
"Fine." She scoffed

Gilbert watched them with a smirk,
"Alright you kids, play times over and do get along. You need to trust each other for this."
She was impressed at the skills Zack possessed during the training. It made her realise the reason why he was in the reason he was one among the top in the organization.

She knocked on the door and barged in without waiting for a response
"You asked to see me Captain?"
"Yes , Alaska. I needed to tell both of you something important."
Both? She looked around to see Zack. Their eyes interlocked for a few second which felt like eternity until he spoiled it by saying with a scoff,
"You again."
"Well, it's not like I'm happy seeing you anyway. The feelings mutual."
Captain slammed his palm on his forehead
"Look, You guys need to get along. Because you will be leaving tomorrow.

"Tomorrow." Both of them echoed
"Isn't that too fast? We haven't prepares anything?"

"Don't worry about that. Something came up. I got a message from Aledera today. It's not something that I would like to read."

He hands the letter to Alaska to opens it with a quizzical expression. She felt Zack move closer to her to read the letter as his arm brushes against her. She pushes away the thought and read the letter
"What the hell?" She screamed.
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Показати всі коментарі (4)
The Letter
A cliffhanger! Awesome... you totally keep the suspence on at the end of each chapter! You stop each chapter at such a moment that the readers will be curious, what will happen next! ❤️❤️❤️
2020-06-02 17:38:34
The Letter
Oh my god!! Its awesome...I have no freaking words to describe!! *curses my stupid vocabulary* I read it half because I don't have much time! Bit I am sure gonna read it completely tomorrow!!❤️💖💖 Loved it😍
2020-06-02 18:20:34
Lolly Jail
The Letter
I'm waiting for a new chapter 😉 It's awesome 😄😄 and I love it. Wish you good luck writing a new amazing chapter😘❤❤
2020-06-02 18:22:13