A sharp lightning followed by a row of loud, terrifying thunders made the cracked wall next to the villa visible for a split-second.
Only very attentive people would have noticed the dark silhouette on top of the mentioned wall and only rare, gifted people would've recognized the person whom the silhouette belonged to.
The minute that followed, everything was murk anew. The pouring rain drowned out every other sound that could be possibly created at a cold night like this.
After a little more minutes, another lighting, stronger and brighter than the previous one, cut into the obscurity and revealed the fact that the person had disappeared.

Sybil opened the solid wooden door and entered the villa. She was entirely soaked and her long, blonde hair clung to her face. As quiet as possible, Sybil tried to walk past the room where her mother was asleep. Her already watery smile disappeared from her face as she carefully peeked inside.
"Night, mom" she whispered to the pale woman wrapped up in diverse blankets.

Averting her gaze, she decided to go to the bathroom and take a hot shower.

The bathroom felt terribly cold after the warm water and Sybil couldn't help but sidder. 
It was already three o'clock and she decided to go to bed. As she walked up the marble stairs, Sybil played over her day in her mind. 
"I shouldn't have fought with Deloise", she thought. It was all pointless, making a fuss over something so simple.
But then again, Deloise really did hurt her this morning. She sighed and laid down in her four-poster bed, closing her eyes. 
Sometimes, at days like this, it would be so much easier to just disappear. To escape for a little while, and come back when everything was over. 

That's when she heard someone, or something, breathe. Since the light had been dimmed, she couldn't see anything. Sybil sat up in her bed and listened carefully.
"Hello?", she shouted in the darkness, "Who is here at this hour, I would like to sleep!"
Out of nowhere, something grabbed her hand. She firmly gave it a handshake as she heard it whispering:
"You're hired".

She pulled her hand back in surprise. "I am... I am hired? For what? For whom? Who are you?", Sybil blurted while she was still looking into her dark room, trying to see something.
"We will see eachother soon.", the hoarse voice whispered.
Sybil was startled, was she still asleep? She stood up, sat down again, lied in her bed for a few minutes and realised she wouldn't be able to close an eye that night. She went to the big, circular window next to the white desk. Sybil glanced at the many shelves filled with way too much books, all in alphabetical order, before gently sitting down on the huge windowsill.

She didn't even notice she was shivering, and quietly watched the night go over in the day. The olive trees looked so much brighter after the rain, and their wet leaves sparkled in the sunlight. The sound of the birds welcoming the first sun strokes after the endless storm echoed through the alleys.
Sybil stood up, she felt dizzy. The clock on the wall informed her that it was time to get breakfast, but she wasn't hungry.

She ran down to the kitchen, quickly made some tea, added a little bit honey to it and carefully brought it to her mom.
"Your tea, it's still hot."
Her mom was sitting in bed, still in pajamas, and treated her to a rare smile. "Thank you, Sybil. Will you be home today?" It almost looked like there was hope hiding in her voice.
"I won't, I will be hanging out with my friends again. Sorry. But I promise I'll  come back before the sun sets."
She left the room and grabbed her backpack. "Mom? Can I take some of the cheese pie?"
Nobody answered, so she understood the silence as a yes.

The wind blew in Sybil's face as she rode with her bicycle down the steep slope, she waved to her neighbours standing on their balcony. "Kalimera, Sybil!", the little boy greeted. The bright white houses guarded both sides of the ally. She stopped abruptly and almost slipped out of the turn. She looked left and right before proceeding her ride, the road was strangely empty.
When she finally arrived at the old house ruins, Sybil noticed Deloise wasn't waiting for her at the entrance like she would always do. She sighed.

© Silver Spy,
книга «The child of the stars».