The beginning
Every kid in school dreads one thing. Puberty class. The worst week of the whole school year. The dreadful 5 days were boys and girls are two totally different creatures. Nobody is going within 5 feet of the opposite sex. But what is even worse? Getting called on for volunteer in that smelly tourture chamber. And that is exactly were I found myself. Standing in front of a roomfull of my classmates, the kids I am growing up with, trying to hold back tears.
I can't believe this is happening to me!!

   The Sex Ed teacher then dumped a basket of green rubber balls with plastic lables on the sides in front of me. They were bouncing around wildly! My job was to catch them all as fast as possible. I started running around like a mad man, scooping up those little buggers while my class was giggling hysterically. Suddenly there was a loud RIIIIP! It sounded like someone ripped a peice of cloth in half. The room grew silent. Suddenly I felt a breeze...down there. I jerked up and covered a now giant tear running down my pants, exposing my Hello Kitty® underpants. My class erupted with laughter so loud it shook the school. I never got over that. From now on I am wearing plain black or white spandex for underwear...just in case.
© RyleeSisco,
книга «My Life».