In the beginning
The struggle
The struggle
Paralax: “Flïon please I beg you, destroy the Novusdaemonium before they become too powerful, we've already run multiple analysis on the species. One day their power will rival even your own!”

Flïon: “enough of this Paralax, these creatures are in the early stages of their evolution! I will not destroy them!”

Paralax: “The Novusdaemonium have been waging war with the Galactic enforcers, their power is constantly rising, soon they will be powerful enough to fight the Cosmic Regents. They will end our reign!”

Flïon: “If the Novusdaemonium become powerful enough to challenge you Paralax, I will send them to Carcerem. Understand Paralax I do not kill individual beings, that is not my job. I suppose you could ask the All-Father. Maybe he will create a new race whose job is to kill individuals or perhaps he will kill them himself. Return to your position Paralax we will speak of this no more.”

Paralax: “Very well Flïon I shall ask the All-Father. ( Paralax bows and leaves)

(Drakerem home of the Cosmic Regents)

Xyzak: “What did Flïon say Paralax?”

Achilles: “I am sure he will not aid us”

Paralax: “He said that if the Novusdaemonium become powerful enough to rival us, he will send them to Carcerem.”

Achilles: “If the celestials will not help us then it is clear that we must help ourselves!”

Xyzak: “What are you suggesting Achilles? That we kill them ourselves?”

Paralax: “You both know we cannot intervene until the Novusdaemonium are more powerful than rank seven Galactic enforcers…”

Achilles: “If we wait for that to happen their power could already be equal to our own. They completely out number us, we are a small order their forces are in the hundreds of thousands. When their power is equal to our own they will kill us, and soon after we're dead the Novusdaemonium will powerful enough to kill the celestials. Order in the omniverse will collapse. Destruction will soon follow, they will consume the multiverse.”

Paralax: “Without Ra-j around to expand and create, the omniverse will become the multiverse and life will end without Flïon around to destroy unstable universes, their instability will spread to the will be the end!”

Achilles: “Then you both understand, we can not wait, we must take action now and annihilate the Novusdaemonium before it is too late. Are we in agreement?”

Xyzak: “I am with you in this decision.”

Paralax: “Very well Achilles, we will do what must be done!”

End of chapter 2.

© Noecarlos ,
книга «The old Gods paradox».
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Єгор Комаров
The struggle
👍👍👍 Awesome. Thx. Can not wait a new chapter!
2018-02-02 08:51:35
Awesome Apollo
The struggle
I really like it! I decided to read all of your books, they seem really interesting and awesome. Can't wait for the next chapter! Keep up the good work!:)
2018-03-20 06:12:36
Delando Jim
The struggle
2022-12-10 08:01:04