Part One: His Torture
Part Two: His Torture, His Pain
Part Three: His Torture, His Life
Part 4: His Torture, His Hell
Part Five: His Torture, Living In A Cold World
Part Six: His Torture, Feeling Alone
Part Seven: His Torture, Why Do I Feel Like This
Part Eight: His Torture, His Thoughts
Part Six: His Torture, Feeling Alone
Sometimes she makes me feel like she doesn't give a fuck about me. I mean like for real women you the only parent I got I don't talk to my dad or try to have a conversation we barely talk shit we don't talk at all he doesn't even try to spend time with me. I think I might be depressed or maybe I'm just stressed out if I could go away and find some kind of peace I'll be really happy.

книга «A Cold World».
Part Seven: His Torture, Why Do I Feel Like This