Ghost Of Christmas Future
Ghost Of Christmas Future
Typing away at his computer, on Christmas eve Merton planned on finishing his screen play. This one was a masterpiece even if no one, but himself thought so. He yawned and stretched as it was now just turning 11pm. "I'll just finish this scene and then head to bed," he thought to himself.

The scene was finished a few moments later and he read over what he wrote. "Oh, yeah she's a ghost," he said aloud after finishing reading it and then smiled to himself. As he hit save on his computer he heard footsteps walking on the other side of his lair. There was no one there.

"Who. Who's there?" Merton asked, shaking in his chair and breathing heavily and loudly.

There was no reply. "There's no one there, Merton. It's just your imagination," he told himself but he didn't believe it.

He stood up from his chair cautiously and walked over to his closet. A loud bang came from behind him causing him to jump and turn around. When he was facing the other direction he saw a book float out of his bookcase. It stopped in mid air and opened. He screamed and the thing materialised but it was still somewhat see through. Falling, backwards and landing on his bed he struggled to say, "so you're a ghost who likes to read books what's that like?"

"I'm the ghost of Christmas yet to come," the ghost said and returned the book to the shelve.

"Like in A Christmas Carol, but I'm not like Scrooge I love Christmas so why are you here?" He asked.

"Something bad is going to happen in your future if you don't change the path you are heading in," the ghost replied.

"How bad could it be?" Merton wondered.

"I'll show you," the ghost told him.

"Right, I know how this works. You show me the future in hopes I learn a valuable lesson, so that I change something," Merton said.

"Precisely," said the ghost and then walked towards Merton. "Now, come with me."

The ghost of Christmas future took hold of his arms and then they disappeared from the lair. A few seconds they reappeared in the future.

"Were exactly where we started. Wait that's different," Merton stated as he saw something on his desk that wasn't there before.

"That's because we are in the future. Same place but in the future," the ghost of yet to come explained.

"I know that, but why? I thought you wanted to show me  something. Nothing is happening here. Couldn't you use your power and sap us to were we actually need to be?" Merton wondered.

"I wanted a walk," the ghost said.

"You can magically appear wherever you want and you choose to walk. Of course you do," Merton mumbled to himself, not liking the idea of having to walk out in the cold so close to midnight.

"Come on, not much time. Let's go," the ghost said and walked off, through the door.

Merton looked around his lair, for his coat. He found one he hardly ever wore in his closet and put it on. "Is it stealing if you take something from myself?" He asked himself. "Na, it'll be fine," he added.

The ghost of Christmas future stuck her head through the door, making Merton jump again. "Hurry up," it ordered

"Alright, I'm coming," Merton said and walked towards the door. The ghosts head disappeared and Merton opened the door to see that the ghost was waiting on the other side. He stepped out of his lair, closed the door and followed the ghost upstairs and then straight out of the front door. 
© C A Quinn,
книга «Christmas Future».