Born in the purple
Silver lining
The Coin
Steel blade
The Laughing coffin
Silver lining
155 year later mankind and Gods feuds with the nobleman. calming that gods done injustice. the crown rebel against the noblemen making the throne servant of gods. in return gods granted the king three wish's. back then as the story been told that king wife "Elsa" wish for a son. and king wish that the child have immortality. gods fill in the request without doubt. the last wish king told them to speak in private. the queen not happy that she was left out.

"the lease she know the better for her! the king voice mound down the hall. the bright light of the gods shin through the hallway. Elsa eyes brighten by the light for a moment. "So a child born from your blood and spirit of a gods? one among them add. "hahahahah! one burst with laughter. "for a man on your age! it hard work to deliver the necessary skills," one add, look like all the thing is bad idea. the king can feel the destined from his words. the beard looking king place the crown down and sit down, watching it from a distance. A throne embrace in brawn of gold melt together to create a magnetically. a  huge crate of ruins run down by two feet. "That throne is going to engulf conflict between my brother and 12 years old son of mine, and my daughter Hana still 2 years old, i don't know how long I have left," king words spoke soft but fell with sadness. "Whatever it! tell us? the god who impregnate of the noble ask. "I want you'll to promise me one thing! and that one thing is my last wish." the 12 gods glare down and set in silence. "Take my boy away from this kingdom after the queen give birth, that my last wish."

the temple remains debunked to anyone who is not anointed by persist. the people of the city is divided into three sectors, the first one host the elite...which mean anyone in the royal family interest. second hold the noble...which includes the average rich and wealthiest people together. and last but not least third hold all the citizen from poor to barely surviving. in this lower area's crime rates plummeted. the bars here treasure troves. let people sing and in the end they feud. women whaling, men torching days like fish in the sea. sometime bars give free drink on occasion. Nobleman name "Jerry Ken" He is of high birth never touch a dirt neither on his shoe or clothes. His father run cotton factory, 1700 acre of land. so he filthy rich. his carriage lost the coordination between the fourth quarter from south entering to lower district. when the rider took left turn  toward down town. due finding that map was upside down. misinformation took them into infamous bar.
Sir Ken carriage suddenly became target upon passing the famous bar "clan knob"
hey you there! got some wine I could borrow? Sir Ken heard the men in distort. "Williams!!! sir Ken call him.  yes! sir," Williams replied. "Keep the horse running! ken shout out in order.
Williams watch the six men looking back at the view, men thrown every way. man on broken window, another by the entering door hanging on the slide, as the other half close and open making oddsounds. he kept his eyes on the beard man holding in his hand a cup made of horn, from beastly creature. he wore dark slim leather boots and leather gloves. and long sleeve made from animal skin. Williams saw the man waving at him has he thought but he didn't respond the same.
the road is all muddy the wagon  struggling to stay stable on the way. thankfully upon arrival the road changes, the sudden neigh alarm Williams that the horse scent a present of warm welcome up ahead. "Sir! I think, we have most arrived to the destination," he pause for brief moments. "you think!!! Williams! how many turn did we take? huh, answer me this immediately." he got the same treatment. Williams kept to himself humming in the fresh air. Ken knows he won't pursue him. but it good time to get to the edge with him..
"Oh wow! can you hear that? Williams say,  hearing music. he saw   a light emerge beyond big wall. the carrier run for few hours. Ken on other side. reading card from invitation. Ken read it "Sir Jerry Neil Bout Ken in honour of the king ☆Crassus☆ we invite your benevolent family into home for ceremonial events. we hope you accept our warmth love•"
who wrote this??? w--who write this cheap thing into harlequin. who is responsible is big fool."
Williams replied "sir Ken! we have arrived," the horse stop. the red carpet lay immediately before he step out.
Announces; from great of house, Jerry Bout Ken. His second son Jade Ken. he will soon inherit the great fortune. and come the successor of the house. House Of Bentley welcome you. good sir!
                        kind sir! a shout among the crowds.
the carriage door swiftly. revealing golden hair young with slim shape of body. his right foot on the ground. a long coat rap around his shoulder. purple silk with crate embroidered.
they enter into banquet, large institution gather from great houses. including King counselor herself.

© Enok Mayeny,
книга «Veil Nerd .2».