"The sky is quite a strange place. Infinite space with countless colours, it feels like someone mindlessly painted something so beautiful. " _ Alec

The boy could see the red sky descending into a darker hue. His soul unwilling to go back to the place that didn't feel like home anymore, pleaded to stay back a little longer. Everytime the breeze washed his skin, he could feel it healing all his scars. The blue flowers gently erasing every painful memeory engraved in his mind. He watched the sun disappear into the void, out of his sight. He sighed as he reluctantly got up and walked down to the wooden fence.

He moved his hands over his face and closed his eyes. He opened them just to see  how dark it was already. But something very strange happened at that moment. He felt his warm sun-kissed skin grow cold when he realized he couldn't remember his way back home. It wasn't new for him-One moment he felt like everything was alright and the next he realized that he was lost.. again.
The only thing he could remember was a voice in the back of his mind telling him that if he visits the wood after darkness falls he might see things he has never wanted to see.

He gulped the angst down his throat and decided to follow the faint light coming from a distance. Maybe it could guide him to a safer place.It was so dark that he wasn't even sure if the light was real. Maybe he was hallucinating, but he didn't have better option than walking towards the only thing he could see at that time.

As he swiftly made his way through the unknown dark trial, he heard a noise behind his back.. A disturbingly peculiar one. He looked back to find nothing but solemn emptiness. He walked faster as the noise seemed to get clearer and louder. He'd look back over and over again to find no one but himself. Though the noise seemed dangerously close he couldn't figure out what it was exactly.
It sounded like someone was followng him, dragging something heavy against the ground. He could feel his heart beat racing as he desperately tried to find a way out of this chase.

The dry leaves rustled beneath his feet as he slowed his pace down. He ceased at the sight of something he had been dreading to meet for some time now. A dead end. He moved his hands over the damp wall standing infront of him as he took a deep breath. The sound that followed him like a shadow now stopped.

He gasped when he felt something creep  softly down his shoulders sending shivers through his spine. He turned back one more time but his eyes didn't meet his expectations. This time it wasn't a Mister Invisible, the sound had a source now.

He saw a man deressed in grey. His face was masked and he carried a heavy metal bat. The man tilted his head to  the left and gave his shiny metal weapon a swirl. Alec closed his eyes as if he perfectly knew what was going to come next-A sharp blow on his head. He collapsed on the ground . He could almost feel his mind shutting down. He touched his head and felt the blood trickling down his forehead.

The pain was truly blinding. He began counting. He always used numbers to numb his overwhelming emotions. Maybe it helped him to shift his focus.
He felt strangely cold, yet he felt alright for there he was again,laying down staring at the sky.
He counted before closing his eyes.

© Zeen ,
книга «Issues».