The Past
Best Friend
Best Friend (2)
Form to change
New Member
A nightmare
Best Friend (2)
Adrian walked slowly toward the bench. Aden and Brawijaya are waiting in the corner with their order. From their eyes Adrian could see that he was slightly out of focus. Several times his best friend hit several people and bowed his head.

Aden called out as he waved his hand, Adrian's eyes flickering. Now the noise he heard from the cafeteria crowd. He don't know how long it took, but the canteen atmosphere wasn't like them when they arrived.

 "He gave you a form?" Aden asked, curious about the paper with the ink printed on it.

Aden and Brawijaya looked at each other. From the face of his best friend, it was very obvious that Adrian was shocked. Whatever someone does from the Journalists club has made Adrian's mood worse.

Different sigh come from Brawijaya. He caught Adrian's attitude as something that has not been disclosed so far. They have been friends for almost 10 years to find out, it is easy for Brawijaya.

"Just fill it in," Brawijaya said approaching his best friend.

"I don't want-eh- what are you doing?" - "Write it."

Brawijaya pulled the form paper suddenly. Very compact, Aden pulled Adrian's hand, preventing it.

A pen is applied to the paper to fill the blank side. Brawijaya's hands and body move flexibly away as well as Aden. They prevented Adrian from taking the paper.

"Full name Adrian Atmala Sanchatur, religion Islam, gender hmm male, place of birth date Jakarta 31 December 2001, address on Jalan Patimulia No.33 Watu Complex and blah bla ..."

Aden laughed amidst the struggle between Adrian and Brawijaya. Even though he was smaller, Adrian's was very strong. So that Aden who did not want to be hit by sharp nails chose to sit as a spectator.

"Stop it!" Interrupted Adrian when Brawijaya was cornered.

His best friend flanked one of his hands while the other showed a lot of writing that was filled.

"Well, I've filled it up and now it's gathered in the Journalist UKM room," said Brawijaya pretending to issue a leader's order.

He gave the paper to Adrian. "How can you force this."

Aden and Brawijaya blink their eyes at the poor friend's words. Not wanting to be blamed, Brawijaya folded the form and put it in Adrian's bag.

"This is your wish, right?" Question that was not immediately answered by Adrian.

Brawijaya patted Adrian on the shoulder softly. "You can not lie."
© Ana Jannat,
книга «Love have Future».